
Welcome to Algoteka!

Algoteka is a universal and open code sample library designed to make it simple for users to submit, explore, and compare code samples across various languages, technologies, and approaches for a wide range of problems.

On this site, you can:

We hope you enjoy your stay in Algoteka!

Latest Samples:

By oml1111
Python |

Create a binding for a C++ function - Simple solution

By oml1111
Python |

Load user interface from a file - Load Qt Designer file

By oml1111
Python |

Display an empty window - Short example with QMainWindow

By oml1111
Python |

Update Cell with a Dropdown Widget - Using interact, automatic update

By oml1111

Measure Running Time of Code - Using time.time

By oml1111

Measure Running Time of Code - Using std::chrono::steady_clock

By oml1111

Search with a Regex Pattern - Solution


Introducing Personal Folders and Samples

By oml1111     2023-04-12 21:23

We are excited to announce the addition of private samples, categories, and problems on Algoteka. We have updated our terms and conditions to accommodate this new feature. When logged in, you can now access your private folder under the navigation sidebar, and all content submitted there will be visible exclusively to you. This feature allows you to effortlessly create your own personal sample libraries and reference documentation for code snippets.

Licensing Update and Compensation for Previous Authors

By oml1111     2023-01-04 03:14

We now have updated our sample submission systems to allow you to submit code snippets in licenses other than the Algoteka MIT license, as long as it's one of the 3 permissive licenses we allow (MIT, Apache 2.0, or 3-Clause BSD).

We have also updated our terms and conditions to better reward the original authors of the code snippets submitted on this site. From now on, in case someone else submitted their code on this site, the original authors have a right to be registered as co-owners of the samples containing their code and receive up to 30% of the ad revenue from said samples.

New Convenience Functionality

By oml1111     2022-12-30 04:02

The sidebar to the left will now highlight which categories/problems contain samples in your chosen language and technology. An orange underline means that the category contains samples in your chosen language but not your chosen technology, a green underline means that it contains samples in both your chosen language and technology. The indicators will update automatically when you change your chosen language/technology.

We also added a JSONEditor widget to the references field when editing existing samples or creating new ones. It will now also validate the syntax of your references JSON.

Cookie Policy and GDPR Compliance

By oml1111     2022-10-28 02:02

We have now added privacy policy where you can access detailed information on how cookies are used in our site and configure your consent to cookies. With this, the site is now GDPR compliant! If the new functionality doesn't work as intended, then we suggest clearing your browser cache as your browser might be serving old versions of our style and script files.

Algoteka is Live!

By oml1111     2022-10-10 00:01

After a long development process, Algoteka has finally achieved a state where it can be made public! As Algoteka is still a very new website, you can expect expect it to undergo regular updates and changes.

Going forward, our main priority is going to be building up the community and the catalog of content. Technical and design refinements will be ongoing based on need and impact.

We hope you find this site useful, whether as a source of information or as a place to publish your own code snippets! In case of any problems, suggestions or just general thoughts, don't hesitate to contact us at